| Center of Innovation: Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding Weekly News Roundup, November 3 - 9, 2011 Media and Journalism Internet and Social Media What's New from PeaceMedia **Click here to subscribe to USIP's Science, Technology and Peacebuilding News Roundup.**
Media and Journalism First, They Came for the Journalists The number of journalists attacked or killed [in Russia] dwarfs the number of closed cases, and the figures, worn and oft cited to the point of cliché, are only swelling. One year after Oleg Kashin was brutally attacked in Moscow, the noted journalist looks back on the clownishly futile investigations -- and the climate of fear that threatens his profession. See the full article (Foreign Policy, Julia Ioffe, 11/9/11) [Return to top] Press Freedom Fears as Ecuador President Rages Against the Media He Doesn't Control President Raphael Correa has become increasingly critical of the media. His weekly speeches on TV and radio are laced with criticism of journalists, newspapers and publishers. Critics have also been cowed by the use of criminal defamation actions with excessively punitive claims for damages. See the full article (Guardian, Roy Greenslade, 11/9/11) [Return to top] Why Do the US Media Believe the Worst about Iran? "One of the oldest tricks in the run-up to a war is to spread terrifying stories of things that the enemy may be about to do. Government officials plant these tales, journalists water them and the public, for the most part, swallow them." I wrote this paragraph in December 2002, some three months before the US launched its invasion of Iraq, but it seems just as applicable today in relation to Iran. See the full article (Guardian, Brian Whitaker, 11/9/11) [Return to top] Journalists Held as Israeli Navy Boards Gaza Peace Flotilla A Scottish TV reporter was among a group of journalists arrested earlier today when Israeli soldiers boarded two ships sailing toward Gaza. Hassan Ghani, who works for Iran's Press TV, was detained along with Lina Attallah, managing editor of the Egyptian independent daily Al-Masry al-Youm's English edition and Jihan Hafiz, correspondent for the US-based broadcasting outlet Democracy Now! See the full article (Guardian, Roy Greenslade, 11/4/11) [Return to top] Internet and Social Media Hacking Palestine: A Digital Occupation In the aftermath of the near-total shutdown of the internet and telephone network in the West Bank and Gaza Strip last week, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is attempting to figure out how, why and by whom Palestine was hacked. The Palestinian Minister of Communications has been hinting that a state may be behind the concerted attack - by which he means Israel. See the full article (Al Jazeera, Helga Tawil-Souri, 11/9/11) [Return to top] Six-year Project to Tweet the Second World War An Oxford history graduate has begun a six-year project to tweet events from every day of the Second World War as they happened 62 years ago. The account, @RealTimeWWII, features up to 40 tweets each day. Created by 24-year-old Alwyn Collinson, the project is an attempt to "help people feel like they're there." See the full article (Telegraph, Christopher Williams, 11/9/11) [Return to top] Is This the WikiEnd? Advocates of information transparency point out that even if WikiLeaks founders, the idea it represents - a transnational mechanism to disseminate information beyond the reach of any government, corporation or organization - will live on. But the notion that state secrets across the globe had been cracked open like a piñata once and for all, and that secrets will be regularly plopping into public view, seems remote. See the full article (New York Times, David Carr, 11/5/11) *NYT sign-up may be required to view the full article [Return to top] Darpa's Plan to Trap the Next WikiLeaker: Decoy Documents Darpa-funded researchers are building a program for "generating and distributing believable misinformation." The ultimate goal is to plant auto-generated, bogus documents in classified networks and program them to track down intruders' movements, a military research abstract reveals. See the full article (Wired, Dawn Lim, 11/4/11) [Return to top] CIA Analysts Comb Social Media For Trouble Spots In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the "ninja librarians" are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions. The center already had "predicted that social media in places like Egypt could be a game-changer and a threat to the regime," [the center's director] said. See the full article (AP, 11/4/11) [Return to top] What's New from PeaceMedia Cornel West on Occupy Wall Street: It's the Makings of a U.S. Autumn Responding to the Arab Spring - Democracy NOW! Dr. Cornel West spoke with Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman during a visit Tuesday night to the Occupy Wall Street encampment. Some critics have expressed frustration at the protest's lack of a clear and unified message. But the Princeton University professor emphasized that "you're talking about raising political consciousness so it spills over all parts of the country, so people can begin to see what's going on through a set of different lenses, and then you begin to highlight what the more detailed demands would be. See the full video [Return to top] Click here to subscribe to USIP's Science, Technology and Peacebuilding News Roundup. Did we miss anything? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |