| Center of Innovation: Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding Weekly News Roundup, April 25 - May 1, 2013 Media and Journalism Internet and Social Media What's New from PeaceMedia **Click here to subscribe to USIP's Science, Technology and Peacebuilding News Roundup.**
Media and Journalism The 10 Worst Countries for Journalists Each year at this time, Freedom House issues a report on the state of global media freedom. The overall findings for 2012 were bleak: Just 14 percent of the world's population lives in societies that enjoy vibrant coverage of public affairs, a legal environment that undergirds a free press, and freedom from intrusion by the government or other political forces. See the full article (Foreign Policy, Arch Puddington, 5/1/13) *Foreign Policy sign-up may be required to view the full article [Return to top] As Power of Media Rises, the Deadliest Year for Journalists May 3rd marks World Press Freedom Day. While we pause to honor those journalists who have been killed or imprisoned, it is important to realize the growing role media play in global politics and the changes that are redefining what it means to be a journalist. According to the International Press Institute, 133 journalists were killed in 2012, the deadliest year on record. See the full article (Huffington Post, David Hoffman, 5/1/13) [Return to top] Veteran Italian War Correspondent Missing in Syria An Italian journalist has been missing in Syria for 20 days, his newspaper La Stampa says. Domenico Quirico, 62, an experienced war reporter, entered Syria from Lebanon on 6 April saying he would be out of touch for a week. The conflict in Syria has made it one of the most dangerous places for journalists to work in. See the full article (CNN, 4/29/13) [Return to top] Iraq Sunni Unrest Prompts TV Channel Licence Suspension Iraqi authorities have suspended the licences of 10 satellite channels because of a rise in sectarian unrest. Al-Jazeera TV and Sharqiya are among the channels accused of "inciting violence". A ban has been imposed on their operations across Iraq. More than 170 people have been killed in less than a week and PM Nouri Maliki has spoken of a "wave of sectarianism" in Iraq that began abroad. See the full article (BBC, 4/28/13) Click to read about USIP's upcoming event "Amidst Iraq's Turmoil: What Can We Do?" on May 4 at 2:00pm. [Return to top] In North Korea, the State-run News Agency is the Weapon of Choice A massive wire service, known as the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), serves as the primary mouthpiece for the North's authoritarian government, lauding upticks in factory production, documenting the arrival of floral baskets for the ruling Kims and occasionally warning about possible nuclear strikes on neighbors. See the full article (Washington Post, Chico Harlan, 4/28/13) [Return to top] Mexican Journalists March to Protest Violence Against Reporters Mexican journalists on Sunday marched in the capital and several other states to protest violence that has claimed the lives of co-workers and silenced news media in parts of the country. Chanting "Justice!" and "Solution!" the journalists demanded government authorities investigate a string of murders, kidnappings and threats suffered by reporters and media workers in recent years. See the full article (Los Angeles Times, Tracy Wilkinson, 4/28/13) [Return to top] Internet and Social Media How to Defeat Cyber Jihad A great paradox of the conflict with al Qaeda is that the terrorists make such skillful use of 21st century information technology. Whether to tell their story of a sacred mission to reduce the shadow cast by American power over the Muslim world, to motivate recruits to join the jihad, or to provide a form of "distance learning" in terrorist tradecraft, al Qaeda operatives have made extensive use of cyberspace-based connectivity. See the full article (Foreign Policy, John Arquilla, 4/29/13) *Foreign Policy sign-up may be required to view the full article [Return to top] | [Return to section] Surrounded by Somali Militants, American Jihadi Live-Tweets His Standoff Omar Hammami's enemies appear to be closing in on him. The most wanted American jihadi in Somalia survived a Thursday assassination attempt only to tweet today that his former allies in al-Qaida's Somali affiliate are stepping up their efforts to wipe him out. Hammami is a 28-year-old Alabaman who has been waging jihad in Somalia since 2006. See the full article (Wired, Spencer Ackerman, 4/29/13) [Return to top] | [Return to section] How Terror Can Breed Through Social Media The days of would-be terrorists needing to travel to far-off camps to make contacts and learn how to build bombs is rapidly receding. Social media forums like Twitter and Facebook provide a ready made Rolodex of sources -- dig further online, mine those contacts further, gain admission to private chat forums and eventually you will find instructions for bomb making. See the full article (CNN, Dan Rivers, 4/28/13) [Return to top] | [Return to section] The Great Potential (and Challenges) of Citizen Videos Uncovering News Media consolidation, industry cutbacks, and political repression are among the threats to reporting on and by independent and diverse perspectives around the world. The videos we see on a regular basis from across the globe illustrate the potential of citizen reporters to not only document under-reported stories, but to do so from corners of the globe that have long been inaccessible to reporters as well as human rights investigators and aid groups. See the full article (PBS, Madeleine Bair, 4/24/13) Click to read about USIP's upcoming event "Protecting the Future: Professional Standards in Humanitarian and Human Rights Work" on May 9 at 9:30am. [Return to top] | [Return to section] What's New from PeaceMedia "Somali Youth Participation In Conflict Mitigation" - Somali Development Trust Somali Development Trust trained six Somali civil-society organization leaders on how to produce and edit a short documentary film on peace and conflict. This short documentary, which was produced and edited by three of the Somali youth leaders, addresses the clan-related conflicts that occur in Somalia. See the full video [Return to top] Click here to subscribe to USIP's Science, Technology and Peacebuilding News Roundup. Did we miss anything? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |