News Roundup Archive

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Concordia Introduces Partnership Development Department

Dear friends,

It is with great excitement that we announce the formation of our new Partnership Development Department. Against the backdrop of an increasingly partisan world, Concordia believes partnerships and inclusivity are the 
key to a prosperous future. The development of this dedicated department represents a big step for our organization in proactively serving our community in our shared objectives of building partnerships for social impact. 

To date, we have strived to produce powerful and inclusive convenings that elevate voices and perspectives from across all sectors and levels to advance critical conversations around globally-impacting issues. In 2017 alone, we convened more than 4,500 unique opinions, representing every sector, industry, and 
demographic. We made great strides in our key issue areas, incorporated an experiential Day of Engagement into our Summits, and expanded our membership community -- tripling the number of patron members, doubling individual members, and beginning a robust young professional program. 

Our Summits and other convenings provide a powerful opportunity to learn and connect, and the development of this new department is designed to make sure the progress doesn't stop at the Summit door. This team will collect and share learnings about what makes partnerships effective, sustainable, and scalable, and it will work with Concordia Members to develop and explore partnership opportunities that grow their work around the world. We're leveraging knowledge about partnership structure and development gained from the P3 Impact Award and our year-round programming alongside our global network to directly help broker relationships and create partnerships, and we're ensuring that every time we convene, partnering is at the root of the conversation. The department has already hit the ground running, providing 
framework and structural advisement and facilitating key introductions to advance partnerships in the cocoa industry, the global refugee & migration response, and criminal justice space. 

We look forward to building and tracking impactful partnerships in 2018 with you.


Matthew A. Swift
Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO
Nicholas M. Logothetis
Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board

If you are not already a Member, or if your Membership is due to expire soon, we encourage you to visit our membership page to learn more about how to secure your spot for 2018. To nominate a new Concordia Member, please contact

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