News Roundup Archive

Friday, September 13, 2013

FW: USIP's Science, Technology & Peacebuilding Roundup



From: U.S. Institute of Peace []
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 3:53 PM
To: CoINewsRoundup
Subject: USIP's Science, Technology & Peacebuilding Roundup


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United States Institute of Peace


Center of Innovation: Science, Technology and Peacebuilding

Weekly News Roundup, September 5 - 11, 2013

Table of Contents

**Click here to subscribe to USIP's Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding News Roundup,
which includes a special section on Internet and social media.**

Declassified Court Documents Highlight NSA Violations in Data Collection for Surveillance
The National Security Agency for almost three years searched a massive database of Americans’ phone call records attempting to identify potential terrorists in violation of court-approved privacy rules, and the problem went unfixed because no one at the agency had a full technical understanding of how its system worked.
See the full article (Washington Post, Ellen Nakashima, Julie Tate, and Carol Leonnig, 9/10/13)
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How Syria Deeply Goes Beyond the Headlines
Syria Deeply, a digital-first news portal founded to focus on the stories and context of the Syrian conflict, ran a Google+ Hangout with US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday September 10. Syria Deeply was launched in public beta in December 2012 to supplement traditional news sources and provide a greater degree of context to the crisis.
See the full article (, Alastair Reid, 9/10/13)
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Why You’re To Blame for the NSA (and So Am I)
Yesterday’s news that the National Security Agency has waged a largely successful war against encryption is a fresh reminder of the NSA’s ongoing reckless and frightening behavior. However, the NSA isn’t just some rogue agency. Its actions are rooted in American failures, and all of us have virtual blood on our hands.
See the full article (Slate, Sean Vitka, 9/6/13)
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In Any US-Syria Conflict, Cyberweapons Could Fly in Both Directions
Cyberattacks to neutralize Syrian targets, such as its anti-aircraft radar systems, are likely be part of any US-led effort to bomb or assault the Assad regime. Yet Syria and its sympathizers are equally likely to launch retaliatory cyberstrikes against US targets, say experts in cyberconflict. The US has had a cyber bead drawn on Syria for well over a year now, plenty long enough to infiltrate and compromise key Syrian military systems.
See the full article (Christian Science Monitor, Mark Clayton, 9/6/13)
Click to read "Detecting Looming Border Conflicts Using Satellites" an Olive Branch Post by Viola Gienger.
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Google Encrypts Data Amid Backlash against NSA Spying
Google is racing to encrypt the torrents of information that flow among its data centers around the world in a bid to thwart snooping by the NSA and the intelligence agencies of foreign governments, company officials said Friday. The move by Google is among the most concrete signs yet that recent revelations have provoked significant backlash within an American technology industry.
See the full article (Washington Post, Craig Timberg, 9/6/13)
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NSA Has Made Strides in Thwarting Encryption Used to Protect Internet Communication
The National Security Agency has made great strides in foiling encryption techniques used to protect Internet communications, and has established back doors to some companies’ encryption software, according to news reports and newly released documents. The documents state that the agency for the past decade has led an “aggressive, multi-pronged” effort to crack widely used Internet encryption technologies.
See the full article (Washington Post, Ellen Nakashima, 9/5/13)
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Click here to subscribe to USIP's Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding News Roundup,
which includes a special section on Internet and social media.

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